Mayfield Therapy provide a complementary therapy service which may include one or more of the following: massage, reflexology, Indian head massage, myofascial release, aromatherapy, stretching and strengthening exercises, relaxation exercises. Mayfield Therapy also sell aromatherapy products under their own brand name and act as a consultant for other branded skincare and home fragrance products.

You understand that the treatment provided by Mayfield Therapy is not a replacement for medical care, should not be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Any diagnosis made is strictly limited to that for which the therapist is qualified and insured. It is your responsibility to inform your therapist of any pre-existing conditions, limitations, or specific sensitivities.

Modest draping will be used during each of your treatments. If you do experience discomfort or pain or are uncomfortable for any reason during a treatment, you agree to immediately ask the therapist to adjust the manipulation, draping, pressure, heat, or environment (or, if you prefer, you can ask the therapist to end the treatment at any time). If the therapist is unable to relieve your discomfort after you request an adjustment, you will inform the therapist you would like to end the treatment immediately. If you have any concerns about your therapist, you agree to bring it to the attention of the owner of Mayfield Therapy immediately following your treatment. Inappropriate or illegal conduct will not be tolerated in any manner. Mayfield Therapy may, in its sole discretion, refuse or discontinue a treatment if it determines such treatment may be unsafe or cause discomfort for you or if you engage in any inappropriate conduct as determined by Mayfield Therapy in its sole discretion. Session times include consultation and dressing.


The original copy of your consultation is kept on file in order for us to have a record of your medical history and any contra-indications to treatments or products. This document also provides us with your contact details, GP name and address and reasons for treatment. In addition to the Consultation Form we keep a Treatment Record which details how you have been since your last treatment, details of that day’s treatment and any aftercare advice. This is completed at every session. These records are only available to your therapist and are completely confidential. You have the right to request sight of them by providing a minimum of 48hrs notice.


Please arrive on time for your scheduled appointment to ensure you receive a full 60min session. Appointments may be cancelled up to 48hrs before your scheduled time; cancellations made after this time will result in the session being forfeited and full payment due.


Payment must be made as requested by Mayfield Therapy. This can be at the time of a single treatment, or in advance via secure online payment. For Treatment Programmes clients can opt to pay in advance or in instalments as detailed on the Programme Information provided. Mayfield Therapy may also ask for a deposit in advance of any treatment. All products must be paid no later than the time of purchase, either in person or online.


All Treatments & Programmes
Mayfield Therapy reserve the right to increase prices without notice. However, this will not happen during any course of treatments you are undergoing.

Membership Scheme
There will be no further price increases to your membership fee during the 12-month period. However, prices for additional treatments may increase during the same 12-month period.


Skincare products and essential oils cannot be returned once opened. Other products can be returned or exchanged within 28 days, if faulty.


You may cancel your membership after one month with no financial penalties. Thereafter, cancellations cannot be made before the end of the 12-month period.


Mayfield Therapy reserves the right to terminate or refuse to renew your agreement for any reason not prohibited by law including, but not limited to, an unsatisfactory payment history. Mayfield Therapy reserves the right to collect at any time any delinquent or outstanding balance(s) that has not been paid for any services or products provided or monthly payments owed. For purposes of
identification and billing, you agree to provide Mayfield Therapy with current, accurate, complete, and updated information including your name, address, telephone number, and applicable payment data. You agree to notify Mayfield Therapy promptly of any changes in your information, including your payment data. Mayfield Therapy may delay enforcing any of its rights without losing them. Your rights or obligations under this agreement cannot be assigned by you to anyone else without Mayfield Therapy’s prior written consent.


Our Privacy Policy is available to view on our website and can also be requested as a hard copy. The Policy is reviewed annually.
