National Anger Awareness Week takes place from 1st – 7th December. A campaign by the British Association of Anger Management, it aims to identify anger as a disturbing social issue which needs to be brought out into the open and addressed effectively. Anger Awareness Week will help people befriend anger by using the right tools to calm themselves down and to deal effectively with emotion, be it of their own or that of others.

As part of Anger Awareness week a helpful Keep Your Cool Over Yule Kit   has been created which can be used by individuals, organisations, families, schools and other groups.

It consists of anger management activities, as well as tips on handling anger appropriately and calming strategies for defusing difficult situations. The kit helps people to think about how they handle their own anger and how they could improve their anger management skills.

As a society and as individuals we have a choice to either add fuel to the fire or to douse the flames of our anger. We are often hijacked by our feelings and emotions. This causes a tremendous amount of damage, which is reflected in an increase in incidents of domestic violence, youth crime, prison population, classroom disturbances, stress related illnesses, and rage manifestations such as road, queue, trolley, telephone and computer rage.

National Anger Awareness week encourages people to think about how anger impacts their lives and of creative ways to deal with this powerful emotion. Contrary to popular belief, if channelled correctly anger can in fact be a creative rather than a destructive force. So, channel yours in the right way and it could be the calmest Christmas you’ve had.

Download your Keep Calm this Christmas Kit and enjoy!
